Summer Air / Hinnerk Hamann |
Off The Grid / Adi Goldstein |
Troublemaker / Myuu |
Quazzle / EvG |
Eternal Hope / Frank Neumann |
U got me / Dürbeck & Dohmen |
Yoga / Maximilan K. Unützer |
The original Marble version - already astonishing
MARBLE is a creative music tool - it is an extremely versatile instrument, modern and inspiring. By coming up with two parallel sound slots equipped with an "open" sequencer,
real-time sound shaping and loads of acoustic and synthetic sound sources MARBLE tries to find new approaches to music production. MARBLE covers a wide range of musical components and offers an enormous number of possibilities and options. About 900 presets are surely demonstrating that. You have single sounds, tonal textures, rhythmical figures, drum beats, ambient patterns, moving spheres, percussion loops etc. There are endless ways you can use MARBLE.
Ok, but what is it basically about?
MARBLE is technically a two track 16 step sequencer with the ability to edit every single step in terms of volume, pan, flter, tune, drive, reverse etc. To sum it up, you have eleven parameters to chose! In order to feed these two tracks MARBLE provides 63 different sound sources, some of them are providing up to six times round robin with several dynamic layers ( see list below).
Marble is fully chromatic. It is not just a one key trigger machine. You can play the sounds in every key or as chords.
But if that was not enough, MARBLE gives you the opportunity to shape the entire sound in real-time. You have 13 effects at your fingertips which can be manually adjusted in 127 steps. To recall these effect settings just use the Marble - or the Modwheel – which runs through all 127 steps. You can now shape your sound in real- time at your own requirements.
In order to check Marble before purchasing, please click below for downloading. For more details please read the manual
Or just download below the free trail version with limited functions.
Please note. Kontakt 5 or higher full version is required.
The Walkthrough
An 'open' Sequencer
It is the core of Marble - There are two parallel sound slots or tracks, each equipped with an 'open' 16 step sequencer. 'Open' means that you can determine and define the values for
12 (!) functions for every step of both sequencers. You can change the velocity, the note length, pan, tuning, the playing-direction, the shape, filter, LFO stutter, reverb, delay and
the time shifting in both directions possible sound parameter for every single of the 16 steps.
MARBLE is fully chromatically playable. It is not just a one key trigger machine. You can play the sounds in every key or as chords, but it is also possible to „lock“ the tuning, which
lets you easier play drum beats or rhythmical patterns.
63 Sound Sources
In order to feed the 2 sound slots MARBLE provides a lot of exciting and organic sound sources. Beside some highlights of our current Cinematique Instruments library we have specially recorded
plenty of new sounds and instruments such as a complex Gretsch jazz drum kit, a bass, a marimba, the pizzicato notes of a cello trio, a flute, several modern and classical synths, a gran
cassa, miscellaneous tiny skin percussions, shaker, lots of fx and glitch sounds and much more. (below you fnd the entire list). There are over 2,500 single sample sounds.
Real-Time Sound Shaping
That is unique! MARBLE provides a new and absolute unique feature: Real-time Sound Shaping. After having created a sound in the sequencer area with all the extensive possibilities the entire
sound of MARBLE finally passes a complex effect matrix. This effect matrix includes various effect such as low- and highpassfilter, distortion, compression, frequency rate, random
generator and much more. By means of slightest changes of these effects MARBLE achieves amazing results and gives an exciting vitality and complexity to all the sounds or patterns.
And guess what? This works in real- time.
Freeze it
Imagine you like to play the guitar or piano while MARBLE is running, just enable „Freeze“ and MARBLE will play without holding a key in an endless mode. This is an excellent feature for those who are
going to use MARBLE in a live situation or as the starting point for a new music composition in order to add further instruments.
900 presets + Random Engine